Friday 22 June 2012

Blue Flag Iris 2012

And a few branched flowering stems, and height to 3 ". Each stem produces a few leaves and flower bracts 1-3. Violet blue flowers up to 3 ½" in diameter, consisting of 3 sepals and petals 3. Sepals and petals are larger than the spreads outward from the center of a flower. Each is divided into Sibal upper and lower lip. The functions of the lower lip as a landing pad for visiting insects, and have a thin purple lines covering the white or violet and blue. Bright yellow spot at the base of the lower lip, and hair does not. Upper lip shorter Sibal and flares in an upward direction Party. Are held more erect petals and flower head forward. They are violet, blue, and often have fine lines that are darker than the color. Boom period is late spring to early summer and lasts about a month for a colony of plants, although blossums individual for a short time. Flowers are often fragrant. Each flower is replaced by a rectangular capsule with three acute angles. This capsule about 1 and a half to "long and a half" (2) in diameter, and contains rows of seeds stacked carefully. Root system consists of a fleshy roots with the roots are thick and plentiful. This plant is often colonies of vegetative propagation.
 Pakistani Flag Picture 2012

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